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  • The Best Mobile App Developer
  • Get Your Business Online Today

A subsidiary company of ABDULLAH S. AL AIBAN an innovator in Technology We help our customers to develop unique solutions.

StringScan Develop Strong Mobile Applications

Performance is an important criteria, as research on mobile applications indicates a strong correlation between application performance and user satisfaction.

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StringScan capable of building small business websites and corporate e- commerce web portals using the latest technology.

Web Development

StringScan develop relevant and advanced websites that completely suits the modern businesses.

Digital Marketing

Popular social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have been delivering millions of targeted customers.

Mobile Apps

Our dedicated team of professionals is developing any type of Mobile Apps. With the latest and most effective tools.

Cloud Hosting

The major benefit cloud hosting is that it allows you to utilize the resources of multiple servers, rather than being to a single server.

ERP Solutions

ERP is business process management software that allows an organization to use a system to manage the business.

Our Partners

We are the trusted partner for some of the leading enterprises and businesses.

Magento is the leading platform for open commerce innovation. Magento works hand-in-hand with the world’s biggest retailers, brands, and branded manufacturers across B2C and B2B industries. Odoo is an all-in-one business software capable of covering all business needs, including CRM, Website/e-Commerce, billing, accounting, manufacturing, warehouse- and project management, and inventory.

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Our Portfolio

We will manage your software through a full services approach.

We're not the only ones excited happy about StringScan.

Customer satisfaction plays an important role